Welcome to the Oxfordshire Learning Disabilities Community!

We want to ensure that people with learning disabilities, people with autism, children with special educational needs and people with related disabilities in Oxfordshire get the best support and opportunities available.

Parents, friends, relatives, people working in the field, and people with learning disabilities themselves are invited to join the forum, ask questions, share information, and talk about what is happening in their lives!

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Our Community
Forum Visit our community, where you can get support, ask a question, or find information.
Getting Started
How to Use the Forum Find out how the community works - how to join, how to read and write messages, how to change the number of email notifications you get, and much more!
Knowledge Base
knowledgebase Our collective wisdom brings together useful information that people have shared in our community.
oxfordshire Find out about about support available in Oxfordshire: local groups, services, voluntary organisations, schools and more.